Week 38

🧠 AI.HUB Newsletter: are Robo-taxis better drivers?

Hi Humans 👋🏻

It’s a no-brainer that this newsletter will cover the launch of OpenAI’s new LLM model. However, OpenAI is not going to have it all, as we’re also going to explore how robo-taxis will change road safety forever 🚕🍓

But first, a quick dive into AI news of the last week:

Be safe, choose the robo-taxi 🚕

Waymo, a leader in self-driving technology owned by Alphabet (Google), has revealed some fascinating insights: while Waymo’s robo-taxis are very safe,

human drivers are responsible for the majority of all serious collisions.  

Even in the bustling streets of San Francisco and Phoenix, these driverless cars

have a much better safety record than human drivers.

Key Numbers

  • 22 million miles driven by Waymo's driverless vehicles.

  • Less than one injury-causing crash per million miles for Waymo, compared to 64 crashes per million miles for typical human drivers.

  • In serious crashes that trigger an airbag, Waymo self-driving cars are six times safer.

Source: Waymo

Why It Matters 🌍

While these numbers are encouraging, it's important to remember that self-driving technology isn't perfect yet.

It currently performs best in controlled environments and will need even more sophisticated systems to manage the unpredictability of human drivers and complex traffic scenarios.

However, the key takeaway is profound: the true promise of self-driving technology lies in its potential to drastically reduce accidents and save lives.

Waymo's data shows we're on the right track, but careful development is crucial. As this technology evolves, we can anticipate a future where commutes are not just faster or more convenient but significantly safer.

Annemette Møhl

Annemette Møhl is a dynamic entrepreneur and AI expert, currently serving as Founder of Borbaki and AI.HUB. With extensive experience in AI project management, Annemette has been instrumental in implementing and monitoring advanced AI tools. She is also an AI lecturer and speaker, contributing to the knowledge base at ai.hub


Week 40


Week 37